Children are an important part of the ministry here at Harvest.  We believe it is important to train and disciple our youth.  We have multiple ministries that work to accomplish this goal.

Time: 2 Sundays each month | 7:15-9:30pm | September - May
Contact: Pastor Adrian Crum

Harvest's Anchored Youth Group is for all 9th-12th grade students and meets two Sunday evenings a month for Christ-centered fellowship as a community of young people seeking to know and proclaim who Christ is and what He is doing in our lives. We desire to encourage and support one another in our walk of faith as each one of us is in a different spot. During our time together on Sunday evenings we will eat, sing, fellowship and study together. We also enjoy in other regular activities to grow together. 


Time: Wednesday | 7-8:30pm | October - May
Contact: Brennen Winter

Harvest's High School Theology Class is for all 9th-12th grade students and meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 PM (except for prayer meeting weeks). Instead of working through a book, we will train our students how to listen to sermons and interact with scripture personally and collectively. We will discuss questions as a group from both the previous Sunday's sermon and the sermon text. Each sermon will be a jumping-off point for us to dive deep into God's word. We will discuss how to faithfully interpret the Bible, but we will also discover how to faithfully apply it to the details of our lives. Our hope is to have students transformed through a deeper connection with God through his written and preached word. We hope to see you there!


Time: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 7-8:30pm | October - May

Location: Harvest
Contact: Suzanne Winter & Rita Kubinski

Girls of Grace is for 4th-8th grade girls and meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings of the month from 7:00- 8:30 PM. Harvest girls meet for spiritual nuture through the study of the word and intergenerational relationship building with the Women of Wisdom to encourage growth in their spiritual walks. Girls of Grace will be studying Proverbs this year.



Time: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays | 7-8:30pm | October - May

Location: Harvest
Contact:  Mark Kubinski

Cadets is for 4th-8th grade boys and meets on 1st & 3rd Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 PM. Cadets teaches boys how to become Christian men. We teach Scripture through the Bible study lessons of Proverbs while striving to instill Godly values such as respect for authority, patience, kindness, and self-control. Other important character development and life skills are encouraged through activities that involve teamwork and leadership.  

Time: Wednesdays | 9-10:30am | October - May

Location: Harvest 

This program is designed for the children of Women's Bible Study participants and is for youth age 0-4. It runs on Wednesday mornings from 9:00-10:30 AM. While moms study, children sing songs, do crafts, and learn about God.






For questions about any of these ministries, please contact our church secretary at