God has given Suzanne and me the great privilege and duty of teaching two beautiful children who God is, how serious their sin is, and their need for a Savior. It’s a big deal! It’s a responsibility that is both delightful and daunting. My suspicion is that most parents of small children more readily sense the daunting part of the duty than the delight! Leading our family in the worship of God can be challenging! 

Our family certainly doesn't have everything figured out when it comes to family worship. We’re (relatively) young and figuring things out as we go. But we are learning some things! In hopes that our experience might encourage some of the other parents (and future parents) in the congregation, I’d like to start sharing with you some of the tools we’re finding that are helping us. Though the tools aren’t everything, a good tool can make a world of difference.

The first tool that I’d like to share with you is the music of Seed Family Worship. This group puts Scripture to music to help with Scripture memorization. The music is of high quality and enjoyable for kids and parents (I find myself humming along). They’ve produced at least a dozen albums that are available for free on YouTube or Amazon Music. We’ll occasionally watch one as part of our family devotions. The kids love singing along. You can check out a sample video here.

As I share some of the things we’ve found helpful, I’d love to hear from you, too! If there’s something you’ve found helpful for family worship please reply to this email with a short note explaining why you found it helpful. I may share some of these in a future post. 

— Yours in Christ, Pastor Wayne 

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