Welcome, Mercado Family! (Written by Pastor Adrian)
This coming week we welcome Eddie Mercado as Harvest’s full-time, summer pastoral intern. Eddie and his wife Hilary have 4 children: Calvin (9), Ezekiel (7), David (5) and Amelia (3). He was raised in a Christian home in the greater Chicago area, but did not become convicted of his sin and trust in Christ until he was 12-13 years old. In 2016, he and his family began attending Harvest’s evening service while Eddie studied at Kuiper College. The Mercados officially joined Harvest as members in 2020.
A year later, pursuing his desire to be trained for pastoral ministry, Eddie and his family moved to Escondido to start seminary education at Westminster Seminary California. While there, they have been worshipping at another Harvest OPC (San Marco, California).
Eddie enjoys music and attending live concerts. He plays piano, guitar and drums. Regrettably, Eddie has one significant failing: he has been a Yankees fan since he was a 6 year-old. One of the goals of the internship is to broaden his baseball allegiances to include Harvest approved teams (Blue Jays, Tigers or Padres). Eddie also doesn’t drink coffee or tea and is half-way through completing his seminary degree without them.
In all seriousness, we are very excited to welcome the Mercados back to Harvest and looking forward to their ministry among us. Eddie said to me on the phone, “We are completely buying in to our time at Harvest, though it’s a short time. My family is excited to serve in any way possible, to be a blessing to you as our church family.”
Eddie is a candidate for pastoral ministry under care of the Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario.
You can benefit from his teaching:
Numbers 21:4-9 “The Serpent and the Son” (here: sermonaudio.com/sermon/4242325382063)
John 5:1-18 “Healed by the Son of God” (here: https://www.harvestopc.org/sermons/sermon/2022-10-02/healed-by-the-son-of-god)
1 Comment
John Terrell Jun 2, 2023 @ 3:24 pm
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