
Well, I hope your “Happy New Year” is off to a great start. Mine is. It’s January 2 as I write, and God has been so kind and good. The wonderful thing is that I will be able to say that every day this year for His mercies are new every, single, morning.  What a blessed truth!

A new year is typically the time for resolutions. Maybe you’ve already (re)signed up for the gym membership or made some plans to change your eating, reading, or social media habits. Good for you! May the Lord prosper your plans for good.

Might I suggest a few other resolutions to consider?

  • A “Salt and Light” plan. We are called to “proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light”. Here’s some ideas.
    • Begin praying for one or two unsaved friends, neighbors or co-workers. Pray for an open door to share the gospel with them.
    • Consider inviting an unconverted friend to read the Bible with you. There are excellent resources from Matthias Media like “One to One Bible Reading” to help you with this. (You could also talk to Don McCrory or Paige VanderWey about their experiences doing this!)
    • Determine to join an evangelism training class with Pastor Adrian.  (We don’t have the dates set yet, but will let you know!)
    • Read a good book on evangelism and/or missions.  Here are some options:


71iBQ8joZkL._SL1500_   811dCb15EDL._SL1500_
Honest Evangelism
by Rico Tice

 Let the Nations be Glad
by John Piper


  • A Generosity Plan. It’s so easy for us to spend our time, energy and finances on our needs and wants. But it’s also very unhealthy.  How could you grow this year in using your resources to bless others and to further the cause of Christ in 2025?
    • Consider increasing your giving to the gospel mission of Harvest by 2-3% this year. We are hoping to become much stronger in our support of foreign missions this year, (more on that in a coming post) and that will take resources.
    • Consider sponsoring a needy child with finances or fostering.
    • Create space in your week (or month) to visit the elderly or encourage the sick.
    • Adopt a young person or young mother or father to mentor. 

We have the great privilege, as those who belong to Jesus, to shine His light into this dark and dreary world. I’m excited to see what God will do in us and through us as we resolve to intentionally follow Jesus Christ in these ways.


“May God make you worthy of His calling and fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by His power – so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12




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