Let me begin by saying how desperately I miss all of you. I miss the young children running around and making noise in worship. I miss the young couples catching up with friends, with a baby on a hip. I miss the young people gathered together in easy laughter and belonging. I miss seeing people in the midst of trials being comforted and encouraged by a few loving friends. I miss seeing people greeting each other with smiling faces, and older saints watching it all unfold with the joy and wisdom that comes through trials and grace and age.  
I miss stepping to the pulpit with all God’s people spread before me, needing the soul-refreshing waters of salvation again; leaning into the songs; drinking in the Scripture, and eagerly waiting to hear a word from God.
God, in His providence, has kept us from public worship for a time – and it hurts. As I was reading through Romans recently Paul’s charge in 12:12 struck me as particularly relevant.
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation,
be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12
Rejoice in all that God has promised for us in Christ. Be patient in all that God providentially calls us to suffer as we wait. Patience isn’t a strong suit for many of us. We are much better at planning, fixing, scheming, and worrying. But God calls us to patience in tribulation - and patience looks like prayer. So let’s commit ourselves to it – to all of it - the rejoicing, the patience, and the prayer. That will be enough for us and pleasing to our Lord.

Pastor Dale

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