My full name is Clifton (Cliff) Gilbert Foster V. I was born in Albion, Michigan, but grew up in Battle Creek for most of my life. I am one of four children of Clifton and Burton Foster, who also are from Michigan. I was raised in somewhat of a Christian home and remember stretches of going to church every Sunday and Wednesday night Bible studies, but around middle school and high school my family stopped going. Though I was baptized in middle school, I “repented and believed” in high school, where I began to take my faith more seriously.
After doubting whether I was even a Christian at all, I stumbled across Todd Friel, the host of Wretched Radio and the campus evangelist, and Ray Comfort, the street evangelist, and for the first time endeavored to turn from sin and place my faith in Christ as my only hope for salvation. During this time I also met Bre, my wife (yes, we are high-school sweethearts).
In high school, I continued to grow in my faith, using apologetic and evangelistic YouTube videos on how to share the gospel with those at school. In college, I became a member of a non-denominational church that was Calvinistic and emphasized outreach and evangelism. Over time my wife and I came to Reformed convictions concerning covenant theology and infant baptism. This period was when I also sensed a call to the ministry, which was fanned into flame when speaking with our current pastor, Jonathan Cruse. We have been members of Community Presbyterian Church in Kalamazoo since 2020.
We currently live in Escondido, California, where I am enrolled at Westminster Seminary and now have a 9-month-old daughter named Amayah. This fall, I start my final year of seminary. While there, we attend Harvest OPC in San Marcos. This summer I hope to confirm where in ministry I can see myself serving after graduation. The ideal situation would be an associate pastorate with an emphasis on evangelism and possibly transition to being a church planter.
We are thankful for how Harvest has welcomed us with open arms, and look forward to serving Christ’s church here in Wyoming!
Please pray that God would grow my desire for the lost and for his people during this internship as I evangelize in the neighborhood and help with church activities.
Also pray that by using my gifts, God would provide clarity in what future ministry opportunities are the right for me.
What I'm Reading
Empowered Witness by Alan D. Strange
Every Christian thinks about the relationship between Christianity and culture, and this book helped me think more clearly about the topic. Strange describes Charles Hodges’s contribution to the conversation as one who believed the church’s primary focus was spiritual, but affirmed the church’s prerogative to address issues with “civil implications.” Hodge wrote in a highly politicized time, not too different from our own, where theologians and politicians debated the legitimacy of slavery and whether or how the church should address the issue. I recommend this book as a great introduction to how Reformed theologians in America historically have related to politics without compromising the church’s spiritual mission. [CF]
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