Harvest’s witness team introduces “1,000 Points of Light” based on Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
The idea is that we would collect interactions between Harvest members and non-Christians, un-churched & de-churched people in our community, and then have a way to visually track and pray for these people throughout the next ministry year. We’ll do this by representing each interaction with one lightbulb on panels of bulbs in the hallway at Harvest.
This helps to develop both the culture and community of evangelism. It also aids us in being able to pray for unbelievers by name week to week in our own lives, and at congregational prayer meetings. Harvest’s Witness Team has been so encouraged to hear, anecdotally, about many of our church members sharing their faith in different ways. But oftentimes we don’t share those stories with the whole community at Harvest. We hope this will help us to share these stories.
On Sunday, stop by the panel of lights in the hallway. In order to reach our goal of a thousand per year, we would need to fill out just over 80 bulbs a month.
Please take 30 seconds and fill out the form below with anyone in your life that you would like Harvest to be praying for. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, you can just fill that in the “name” box.